Comfort,  Daily Living,  Faith,  Loved

Back In The Saddle

When you’ve been knocked off a horse, they tell you to get back in the saddle and ride. Don’t let fear keep you from the joy of the journey.

When you’ve had a loss, getting back in the saddle is a must, but it’s hard. For days or months, it seems you can’t even find the saddle, much less get back in it.

Getting back to writing for me is part of getting back in the saddle after our family’s loss. Sharing the hope and joy our Lord gives as we ride, or walk, this life journey with Him is important.

Many of my past posts just flowed, like water from a spring. The last couple of months the thought of writing came, but getting back in the saddle of writing has been tough.

One night a few weeks ago, I set my alarm so I could join a group of writers who meet on Zoom, say hello, mute their mics, and write. An accountability group if you will. Someone outside themselves encourages them to sit at their computers for a moment and do what God has called them to do, write. In essence, they help each other stay in the saddle.

Help From Jehovah

You’ve probably seen a movie or television show where a rider is bucked off their horse. The rider’s senses are knocked from them for a time, and the rider may not even want to get back on the horse again. But someone encourages them to get back in the saddle. That person may help give them a foot up, and may even ride with them awhile until the one who was hurt is confident once again.

When one of us has been knocked down in our journey of life, through a loss or hurt or health issue, we often need help from another soul to get back in the saddle.

Jehovah is our great Helper. He has not given us a spirit of fear. Instead, He has given us a Spirit of power and of love. And of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). (If you’ve ever found your mind frozen with the difficulties of this world, the sound mind part of His grace promise is extra wonderful!)

Isaiah 40:31 tells us, “But they that wait upon the LORD (Jehovah) shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

If we choose to trust Him, our Creator God lifts us up, sets us back in the saddle, and rides with us as we continue on the journey He has for us.

Help From Other People

God sometimes lifts us up by Himself, but He frequently uses people as His ministers. Our Maker created us for love. His first commandment is that we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. But Jesus said the second commandment is similar, we are to love others as we love ourself (Matthew 22:37-39).

Love desires the best for another and is willing to serve where needed. When we are down, we desperately need others to help us up. And we are to do the same for others. God made it this way. God wants us to help one another, lift one another up, and encourage one another.

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a

In John 13:35, Jesus told His followers, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” If we are to love others as Jesus loved us, we need to know how He has loved us.

We’re told in Scripture that Jesus willingly obeyed God, even to the point of death, out of love for God and for us. Jesus walked on earth, full of compassion for all He met. He suffered at the hands of men and was crucified for us. His death paid the debt we could never pay for our sinful rebellious heart toward God.

Jesus loved us by obeying the Father, loving us sacrificially, and giving His life for ours. He loved us by showing us the Father, teaching us truth, and helping us understand our role in His kingdom.

To love others as Jesus loves us, we must obey our Father’s will for us and give of ourselves to others as His Spirit leads. We are to encourage each other with God’s truth and help each other walk well in His kingdom. In truth, we’re to help each other get back in the saddle and ride well.

Saddle Up

One week from today I should be attending my third Christian writers conference. Just eighteen months ago, God started me on this journey of writing for Him. That same month, two of my siblings were diagnosed with terminal illnesses.

God walked with us through the last many months and has been faithful. He strengthened us while we helped our sister as she walked with Him to the end of her time here. Our brother continues his battle, enjoying as much life on this earth as God has for him. And our Father walks with us still.

When we face life’s difficulties, obstacles, and pains, we learn where we can turn for help. First and foremost, God is our rescue in times of trouble. He is our strength and comfort, peace and hope.

But God doesn’t leave us without human blessings. Family and friends are God’s hands and feet here on this earth. They are often the ones He uses to help us back in the saddle of life.

Scripture tells us that we will have tribulation in this life. We may not understand the why of our troubles, but if we understand the essence of our Father’s character, His goodness and love for us, then in spite of the hurt from being knocked off our horse, we can let Him and those He puts around us help us back into the saddle. And in those days when we are riding free, when God has strengthened us by His power and grace, we’ll be ready to help others back in the saddle just as others helped us.

Whether you are in need of help because of what life has thrown at you recently or you are one helping another just now, we are all in this together. Thankfully, the eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are His everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27). While He supplies what we need, let’s help each other saddle up and ride well, with and for our LORD.

Post Script

This morning at church we sang of the faithfulness of our God. How His mercies never fail us. If you have a moment to sing of the goodness of our God, maybe it will encourage your heart as it did me.

Have a blessed week, riding with and for our King.

(Photos: Taken by Carolyn Thigpen near Grayson, GA; Scripture: KJV)


  • Teresa A Moyer

    So good. I am struggeling with finishing my current WIP. It is my memoir and everytime I open the Word Doc to work on it my flow hits a wall. It is very discouraging to say the leaste.

    • cthigpen377

      Dear Teresa, I’m sorry for the discouraging times. Thank God He knows what He wants to do in us and through us each and every day. May He give you peace and hope, a sense of His presence and power, and words to minister to your heart and those who read your words.

  • Katherine Pasour

    I’ve had horses most of my life and the “Get back in the saddle” saying is very relevant to getting back on the horse and to many aspects of life. It’s tough to come back after hard knocks, trials, or the death of a loved one. Your message reassures us that our loving Father is ALWAYS with us–both during the hard times and th recovery. Thank you.

    • cthigpen377

      You’re welcome, Katherine, and thank you. I’m glad you understand and your words encourage me and others.