Comfort,  Hope,  Joy

Some Things Take Time

It’s true that some things take time.

Recently, several days of memories brought emotions to the top. Writing on Facebook was my outlet. One post written ten days ago caused a friend to suggest I post the writing on my blog.

If you read these words on Facebook already, forgive me for posting them again here. And if you find them encouraging, thank my friend who reminded me words from our heart matter.

My Story

Some things take time. Sometimes, more time than we wish.

Last spring, an emotional trip to Israel was the last straw for me…for a time. Our sweet Irene had been escorted Home. Friends gathered to remember her love for our Lord and her passion for people to know Him.

The few years before held their own challenges. Stress from the world’s chaos and our family’s own personal crises had been harsh. Two more funerals within a couple weeks of flying to Tel Aviv last March added their weight. And the two weeks in Israel, while a blessing, was enough to send me home physically and emotionally drained.

How long does it take to come up from down? For the body to feel strong once hurt? Or the soul to feel joy after sadness? And the heart to feel whole after loss?

Some Things Take Time.

We can hide our minds in books to run away from the world in which we find ourselves. We can see doctors, take meds, or visit physical therapists to help our bodies heal. But how do we heal our hearts and souls when grief of any kind seeps into our being?

Ask seven people, and you’ll probably get seven different answers. But one thing all might say is “some things take time.”

Before my feet covered too many miles in Jerusalem last year, part of my soul rest came from taking walks at my nearby park. Sadly, once home from Israel, my foot cried “uncle” and walking the park was no longer an option.

Outdoor therapy, if it existed, came only from looking out the window of the house or car. Or sitting still outdoors.

Would I ever walk the park again? Walking in God’s beauty is a major way my soul finds peace. I can sing, cry, pray, listen, all in the same walk. And come away refreshed. It’s not nearly as therapeutic to do all these things while sitting still.

We Wait And Hope

Often things not only take time, they take more time than we wish.

But today, for the first time in over a year, I did it! I was able to walk the full loop at my park. Slowly.

I didn’t walk hard and fast as I like to do. But I did it. And without pain. It just took time.

For the past few weeks, a friend and I visited the park every few days. She’d drop me off at a point along the trail, park the car further down the way, and wait for me to walk to where she was parked. Walking even a third of the trail was better than none.

After a few tries, I extended where I was dropped off. And later, it was further still. Until today, when I took myself to the park, left the car, and walked. All the way around the three mile loop.

I know I’m getting older. I get that. We all are. Our bodies will give out eventually. After all, these bodies aren’t made for eternity. But that doesn’t mean we have to give up.

Some things just take time.

As for our hearts and souls, we need them healthy and strong. Our bodies need a joyful heart. Our families and friends need the encouragement a full soul can give. So when hearts and souls are hurt, we need to figure what is needed to fill our souls and bring joy to our hearts.

I’m still working on that myself. But I have a few recommendations.

While We Wait, Pursue Joy

Number one is Jesus. Without Him, I have no hope. And without hope, joy is impossible. Eyes on Jesus. One day at a time. That means time with Him. Hiding His word in my heart.

Number two, love. Even if it brings pain. And it will. Loss is inevitable. Pain will linger. Things take time. And we will always miss those we love when they are gone. But love is an amazing thing. It’s renewable. There are many who need to be loved. And many who can love us. So we keep on keeping on even when ones we’ve loved long aren’t here. Trusting the One Who loves us infinitely to hold us while our hearts heal, and letting Him teach us to love, even after loss.

Three? It’ll be different for each of us. Our Creator made us with unique passions. Something that brings us joy. What is it? Being in God’s beauty? Hearing or making music? Creating art? Helping others navigate what we find easy?

Sometimes in this world, we get bogged down with the stress and heaviness of this life and forget to laugh and enjoy what our Abba has given us. It delights Him when we find joy.

For those with families, make memories. For those without, find friends. For all of us, may we keep our eyes on the One Who alone knows our hearts and our needs. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. Ever. And His promises are good.

Some things take time. Some take more time than we wish. But God? He’s not limited by time. And for that, I’m eternally grateful.


Our world is caught in a vortex of chaos and confusion. Our own personal worlds at times feel the same. How do we handle life when hurt and loss, stress and sadness, cover our hearts?

We look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the One Who has gone before us to prepare a place for us with the Father. Jesus, the One Who paid a grand price to redeem us from the enemy’s camp, to save us from ourselves, and give us a home with Him forever.

Our God is faithful. He Who has called us to Himself will give us the strength to walk here until He calls us Home.

Some things take time. But our Father has eternity to remind us how much He loves us. May we all rest in Him and rejoice, knowing that, even though things here on earth take time, often more time than we like, our Abba is at work in all these things, working them out for our good even as we wait.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5 NKJV

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12:1-2, KJV

(Photos: Taken by Carolyn Thigpen, Tribble Mill Park, April, 2024)

One Comment

  • Katherine Pasour

    Loved your message, Carolyn. I also find physical and spiritual renewal when walking in God’s creation. I’m so happy you’ve healed enough to walk again. God is so good.