
A Short Post For A Busy Life

Half a year ago, I wrote my first post, titled, “My First Post.” A blog was born!

Some of you have followed me since then. You saw the look of the website change. You watched me learn to add photos. You’ve encouraged me and helped my words encourage you. And you’ve been patient when life’s busyness got in my way.

Two weeks after my first post, I drove to the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina for my first ever writers‘ conference thinking, “God, are you serious?!” Now, after a quick six months, I’m here again, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, for a writers’ conference. One year ago, I would never have believed this is what my 2020 and 2021 would hold!

A Busy Life

Life in my world ramped up on the busyness scale from two to ten over the last five months. The pandemic concerns were lessening as the number of cases decreased and the population became vaccinated. In-person crowd events resumed. And for the month of May, graduation events for this year’s seniors were in full swing. Such a different view from a year ago.

Thank you for staying with me in spite of my one-track-minded busyness! With a niece graduating high school this year, in a class of students I taught three and four years ago, my heart was with her and them through all their senior events and celebrations. Bringing myself back to focus now on the rest of life, here is a short post written to remind you that you also are in my heart and on my mind.

A busy life. How do we manage to find so many things to keep us busy? Somehow we do. But God never is so busy that He has to take turns caring for each of us. He cares for us all equally at all times. His eyes are constantly watching us. His heart pours love continuously over us. His arms are ready always to hold us, comfort us, and carry us. In every state of life we find ourselves, our Father never slumbers nor sleeps. There is nothing that distracts God from His care for us.

A Short Post

Last November I learned things that helped me with my blog. Today I’ve learned more. Some of you told me in the past that you had trouble signing up for my blog. I plan to add an email software to my website that will work better than what I now have. Sadly, the IT consultant here says that I may not be able to roll over the emails from those now getting my blog to the new account. If that happens, I’ll let you know first and hope you will sign up via the new software so we can stay in touch.

I’ll investigate the email option more when I get home. I’ll try to make use of helpful information learned here. And hopefully, I’ll finish the post I started over a week ago! One thing that’s not a maybe or hope so; our God is faithful. His love is for all, now and forever. And He has no need to write a short post because of a busy life. He has already written a long love letter called the Bible.

Your life may be busy like mine or you may be one wishing there was more to do. Either way, hang in there. Our God knows, and He cares. His love letter says so!

(Photos taken by Carolyn Thigpen, May 2021, Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina.)