Ask And You Will Receive
This morning I didn’t want to drag myself out of bed. I was awake, but the world turned further upside down yesterday. I really didn’t want to see what today might bring. God’s words, “Ask and you will receive,” never came to mind.
Reminding myself I could face the day if I looked at Jesus instead of the world, I asked God to use me to honor Him today and to bless others. A simple ask, it was more of a “let me get my act together; trust God; and move on with my day.” Not until I began to receive, did I realize my Father was answering my ask.
Event Number One
I had a noon appointment to pick up my computer from the Geeks. There was plenty of time to get ready. Of course, that’s when I’m late, when I have plenty of time. And so it was that the day’s events began to fall into place as I arrived, late. But late, today, was actually right on time.
I approached the desk seven minutes after noon. Matthew greeted me, remembered me from three days ago, and went to get my computer and external drive. Even though the surgery on my face 10 days ago was a simple skin cancer surgery, I was still dragging. I wondered how much of my fatigue was due to surgery and how much was due to the weight, on my heart, from the chaos in our world.
While I was being helped, a couple appeared in line behind me. They weren’t ancient, but they were old enough to make me impressed they were there to talk about their newly purchased laptop. Her voice was shaky; he had trouble standing. Legs bent, from time to time he leaned on the counter. I knew that look. He needed to sit down.
Matthew hunted for a cable for my computer so he could demonstrate the work done. He couldn’t find a cable, and the laptop he brought out to use didn’t work. Assuring him I could take my items with me anyway and return if needed, I set my equipment in a nearby empty cart and walked away.
God Blesses When We Least Expect It
My heart hurt for the older couple still being serviced. While I was being helped, I had glanced around, hoping to spot a chair I could slide over to the gentleman struggling to stay upright. But there was nothing. Then I saw them, empty stools at the cell phone counter waiting to be used.
I pushed my cart toward the middle of the store and left it in an aisle. Quietly grabbing the back of a stool and hoping no one would stop me, I gently slid it from point A to point B. As I pushed it towards the gentleman leaning on the counter, I simply said, “I don’t know how long you need to be here, but you might like to sit.” He gratefully took the stool, sat, and said, “Thank you.” I turned to retrieve my buggy.
Tears came to my eyes as I pushed my cart to the door. It seems so hard for us humans to see each other’s needs. And yet, how easy it is for us to be a blessing if we look beyond ourselves even for a moment and are willing to reach out. Too often we stay focused on our agenda to the point we don’t see the needs around us. Or we see a need, but are afraid we might offend someone, and we miss a blessing.
“Lord, bless someone through me today, and use me to bring honor to you.”
Ask and you will receive.
Event Number Two
Leaving the Geeks, I stopped to pick up a couple of sandwiches. Arby’s was in the same parking lot where I was, and even though I had two more stops to make, I decided to buy now. I’d keep the food from spoiling by taking it into stores with me rather than driving back through traffic later for lunch.
Why tell you this? Because those extra minutes before arriving at my next stop mattered. Every moment of my journey today put me in just the right place at just the right time.
A few weeks ago I had bought an item at Belk’s. Once home that day, I realized the clerk gave me the wrong type, and I would need to exchange it. Time had passed, and I was just now able to make a trip to the store.
As I headed toward the entrance, I saw a young man standing, staring at me. It was a former student from years ago. I quickly recognized him, and we entered the store to catch up.
After all the usual questions of what work are you doing now and where do you live, I asked how his mom was doing. I was told she was diagnosed with cancer this past year and is still in treatment, but doing OK. Then my student hesitated before tearfully telling me his dad died four days ago.
God Orchestrates Our Steps
For those who don’t believe there is a God or who think He doesn’t hear us, I argue against such thoughts. I suggest, instead, there is a God who loves us passionately and hears us when we call.
My student wasn’t at Belk’s to shop for fun. He was there to get a shirt for the funeral home, for his dad.
I seldom go to Belk’s, and had tried to make this visit happen earlier this week. Every moment of today, of this week, worked together to put me at the store at this very second.
Giving a hug, hearing his story, learning when I can see his sister and mom, God allowed me to bless another soul while the Father blessed me. I have been out of touch with that family long enough that I would not have known about their loss had I not run into this young man today. Hopefully my presence was a blessing to him. His presence was a reminder to me that our God hears and answers prayers.
“Lord, bless someone through me today, and use me to bring honor to you.”
Ask and you will receive.
Event Number Three
While I talked with my former student, a friend whom I haven’t seen in months waved at me to catch my attention. She had seen me enter the store, but didn’t want to interrupt. We agreed to not leave until we had a chance to visit, and she went on shopping with her daughter.
After I left my student looking at men’s shirts, I found my friend and her daughter waiting at the front of the store for me. The three of us had a gabfest then and there.
We shared how heartsick we are over the world’s situation. They asked about my siblings and their health. I heard about my friend’s grandchildren and how they are walking with the LORD.
I learned the granddaughter and her husband are building a house. Literally building it with their own hands, out in the country. Their hope is to have it done in time to head out on mission for the LORD in the spring.
They showed me photos of the grandson and his new wife who were married this summer in a beautiful church ceremony honoring Christ. I heard of that young couple’s love for the LORD and their involvement in their church.
When The World Seems To Be Falling Apart, God Is At Work
My heart was encouraged as I was reminded that God has people serving Him whether I see it or not. All the world may seem in chaos, but God has His people scattered around the globe, young and old, serving Him where they are.
Our Father is honored when we love each other. He’s honored when, because of our love for Him, we serve others. He’s honored when we praise Him, even in the middle of a store.
“Lord, bless someone through me today, and use me to bring honor to you.”
Ask and you shall receive.
Our Sovereign And Good God Hears And Answers
This morning I asked for something I assume is an everyday expectation for disciples of Christ. I didn’t really expect God to do something unusual. Maybe I didn’t even expect an answer that I could see.
But God, Sovereign of the universe, orchestrated my steps. He put me in locations at just the right time, to be a blessing and to be blessed. I asked, and I received, abundantly.
The world seems to be falling apart. But when that happens, God is in the middle of it all. We can ask Him for what we need. He promises to hear whenever we ask according to His will. It’s always His will for us to bless others and to honor Him. I asked, and He answered.
What else is in God’s will? As we spend time with Him in His word, He will show us. And then He says, ask and you will receive.
Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
John 16:24 (CSB)

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
I John 5:14-15 (NKJV)
(Photos: Taken by Carolyn Thigpen at Tribble Mill Park, Georgia, July, 2021)

Teresa A Moyer
Love these God Winks!
Barbara Latta
God does show up everywhere and intervenes when we ask and allow Him to. Why are we surprised? Your day shows us He cares about every aspect of our lives.
God definitely cares for every aspect of our lives, Barbara. I think we are surprised because as humans, we quickly forget how amazing He is and what wonderful things He has done in the past. I love that He is so patient with us, loving us in spite of our forgetfulness, sin, and failure. He is willing to show up and show us over and over again that He hears and cares…because He is that awesome!
Me, too, Teresa! Bless you!
Tammy Kennington
I love your perspective and keen insight. Ask and you will receive…
Thank you, Tammy. Now if I will just remember this when life goes differently than I expect! God is good. 🙂
Nancy E. Head
Sometimes we have big events we know are big. Sometimes small events occur that actually are big. God bless you through the big and small. They all matter.
So true, Nancy. God shows up in big and small ways. Sometimes I wonder if He doesn’t love the small ways as much or more than the big ways. After all, look at all the detail He put into His creation! Blessings!
Joanna Eccles
I love how God’s timing is perfect and how He uses us for His glory when we are looking for His hand at work. God orders our steps perfectly for His purposes.
Yes, Joanna! This is exactly what amazes me so about our Father. It’s not only what happens but when it happens that shows His hand at work. And the fact that He is not only willing but eager for us to be a part of what He is doing takes my breath away. Blessings as He orders your steps. 🙂