Reporting For Duty
Reporting for duty to Jesus each day is our joy. Our Lord and Savior allows us this privilege.
Time Challenged?
"To everything there is a season." We need to be prepared for the eternal season that comes after this world of time. Jesus has provided what we need.
Ask And You Will Receive
Ask, according to God's will, and He will give it to you. He promises, and He is faithful. Ask and you will receive.
Chaos Under Control
The world can seem like it's in chaos, but God is Sovereign. He has even chaos under control.
Ancient Words
The Holy Bible is full of God's words to us, ancient words, holy words. They tell us who He is, who we are, how we should live in this world, and how we…
The Long Game – Part 2
“Playing the long game means taking the necessary steps, now, to set yourself up for long-term success.” Allison E. McWilliams, PhD In my last post, I began discussing how God plays the long…
The Long Game – Part 1
The long game. What does that even mean? Below are some of my thoughts on this phrase. But first, a personal note. Many thanks to those of you who prayed for me while…
A Short Post For A Busy Life
Half a year ago, I wrote my first post, titled, “My First Post.” A blog was born! Some of you have followed me since then. You saw the look of the website change.…