That’s The Way Of Things
My Dad had three sayings that pretty well defined his philosophy of life. “That’s the way of things,” is one of his sayings. When life threw a curve, Dad would simply say, “That’s…
Back In The Saddle
When you’ve been knocked off a horse, they tell you to get back in the saddle and ride. Don’t let fear keep you from the joy of the journey. When you’ve had a…
The Heart Of God
Sometimes life’s events cause my mind to freeze. Those times when it’s impossible to wrap my brain around what is happening. And on those days, I need to lean close and listen to…
Time Challenged?
"To everything there is a season." We need to be prepared for the eternal season that comes after this world of time. Jesus has provided what we need.
The Long Game – Part 2
“Playing the long game means taking the necessary steps, now, to set yourself up for long-term success.” Allison E. McWilliams, PhD In my last post, I began discussing how God plays the long…
Up From The Grave He Arose!
Tradition Only Or Something More? Passover. Palm Sunday. Good Friday. Easter. Are these simply titles humans have given to traditional holy days? Or are they tied together with meaning and purpose beyond family…
The LORD Of Hosts
Calamity Strikes They were surrounded. The servant had gone to sleep peacefully the night before, but the enemy’s forces had crept close during the night. Now there was no way out; the enemy…