
Hope Springs Eternal

A week ago, I was musing late one evening. Below are the thoughts that came that night. Although I intended to post this sooner, life got in the way. Ever have that happen?! Thank God nothing gets in the way of His intentions! May the comfort God gave me then be a comfort to you now.

Remember 2020? That year that we thought would never leave?

Now we are at day 20, month 2, of 2021. The hope that all would be better this year is shrouded in a haze as the whole world remains on hold.

Winter has had its claws all over the nation. Snow blanketed nearly every state just this past week. When will we get a break?

Animals and kids are wonderful. Their love of life helps pull our gaze away from the dark and cold. Our dog JJ’s eagerness to go out in spite of the cool air was enough to make me walk out back before dark.

That’s when I saw it. Them. The flowers. The buds. The new growth. The evidence. Spring is coming! Winter is grasping for all its worth, but it cannot keep its hold on our world.

Blueberry bushes budding, denying the hold of winter.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

The cold, the dark, the hurt, the pain of winter does not ever mean there will be no spring. God is the one who sets the times and the seasons. Man is not the master of his fate, as much as he often wants to think so. Jehovah is Sovereign. And He is good. Just like a loving father wants his children to honor him and trust him, so God wants us to revere Him for who He is, and to relax in His trustworthiness.

Be encouraged. Spring is on its way! When Jesus left earth, He told His disciples that just as He went, He would come again and take His disciples to be with Him where He is.

Spring is coming. It may look like winter here right now, but the Lord has promised and He keeps His word. Jesus is coming, probably sooner than we think.

Spring is coming. Winter will blow hard another few times, trying to make us believe we have no hope. Don’t believe it! We have great hope!

Lenten rose blooms give hope of spring.

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus,…”. (Hebrews 6:19-20)

Jesus is coming again. Just like the buds foretell that spring is on its way, the events in our world remind us that the Lord Jesus Christ is returning soon, just as Scripture foretells. Winter will not last forever. Neither will the things of this world.

Spring is coming! That gives me hope to make it through another winter day. But Jesus’ coming? That’s what gives me hope to make it through every crazy day in 2021 and beyond, until He comes for us!

Hallelujah, Spring is coming again…but so is the “Dayspring from on high!” Both events give us hope. One is temporal. The other is eternal!

In case you need a song, how about, “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name!”

Today, I’ll lean on Jesus. How about you? He made the earth and everything in it, and He is the One who will bring springtime to earth when He is ready. More than that, He will return to earth exactly when the Father is ready!

When Christ returns, He will set up His Kingdom of righteousness. Every wrong will be made right, and there will be no more “winter,” ever! Those who are His will enjoy the joy of His Kingdom, with Him, forever!

If you don’t know this amazingly wonderful Savior and Lord, I’d be glad to help you know how to meet Him. If you already are His, rejoice. Spring is coming!

Red Bud in bloom is a foretaste of the beauty to come!


  • Zelda Smith

    WOW!! Oh Carolyn, this is just what my heart needed on this dreary rainey winter morning. Your words and photos make my heart Spring with JOY! Praising God for YOU and His gift of Springtime…all the time!!!

    • cthigpen377

      Zelda, I’m so glad God blessed you with these words. He is amazing, isn’t He?! One day at a time, we’ll keep watching Him work! Bless you today and everyday!

  • Judy Smith

    Beautiful Carolyn! Thank you for sharing your heart and being obedient to God’s calling

    • cthigpen377

      Judy, thanks for your note and for continuing to be an encourager to me. Being obedient…isn’t that what it is all about? Thank God He gives us a role to play in His Kingdom and people who help us find that role!

  • Annette Phillips

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I so needed that reminder since I have had some rough days the past two weeks. Reaction to my 2nd Covid vaccine. As I was lying in bed chills, fever, lonely, missing Ed, (had to get out of bed and get my own water) and then Ca. surgery on my leg with 8 stitches and had to drive myself to the doctor. I surely was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I Just could not picture such days coming.

    Then…… I remembered a box of chocolates Carolyn had given me for Valentines. I crawled out of my warm bed intending to eat only a couple of pieces (I love chocolate) crawled back in bed, and chowed down. I ate one, then saw my name on another and ate that , then because there was 3 left I ate another. With only two left I decided I would eat another one, then when there was only one left I thought “may as well empty the box”. Yes, I felt well enough to eat 5 pieces of chocolate !! I crawled deeper under the electric blanket and went to sleep. When I awaken honest to goodness I felt better, Then I could see the future in a different light. Thank God for Carolyn, sunshine, chocolates, and recovery from “the blues.” The same words run through my mind so often. ” On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

    • cthigpen377

      Annette, I love your note! I hate that you have had such a hard time, but I love that you had a box of chocolates to enjoy! Hallelujah that our Father’s encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it comes in words and sometimes in chocolate! May He bless you with better health and sweet days ahead.