Comfort,  Jesus

Jesus Saves

When I was growing up, my church sang an old hymn titled Jesus Saves.

We have heard the joyful sound:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Spread the tidings all around:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Bear the news to ev’ry land,
Climb the steeps and cross the waves;
Onward! ’tis our Lord’s command;
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

It’s interesting how words put to music stay in your mind. They may be hidden for years and then pop up without warning.

Last week Hurricane Helene made landfall in the southeastern United States. The winds and torrential rains wrecked havoc across several states. While we received inches of rain, a few hours north of my home the storm hit hard. Towns were demolished, lives were lost, homes and businesses were destroyed.

Late last night I read a Facebook post from one of my former students. While many people were trying to find a way out of the hard-hit areas, Richard and his brother-in-law went towards the devastation. Why would anyone go into what now seemed like a war zone?

Love is a powerful motivator. Richard’s mother was on vacation in Black Mountain, North Carolina, when hurricane rains caused severe flooding. Her car was swept downstream, along with so much of the town. How was she to get out of an area cut off from the world?

Richard’s story involves much more than I’ll share here, but with great forethought and intense love for their stranded loved one, the two men traveled into the region, knowing the danger involved. A truck could only go so far. The four-wheeler could travel further, but bogged down in mud, until a local who had lost everything in the storm, chose to help Richard pull his four-wheeler out of the mire.

The end of this story is a joyful one. Son found mom. They returned to the son-in-law and truck waiting for them. And, except for the car that floated away and several days of stress for those involved, all was well.

As I read Richard’s story, my mind began singing the words to Jesus Saves. As Richard was desperate to find a way to get his mom safely out of harm’s way, so our Savior Jesus Christ pushed past all thought of harm to Himself in order to save those He loves. The biggest differences? Richard could save one. Jesus died to save all. Richard saved his mom from physical harm. Jesus saves our souls from eternal hell.

Waft it on the rolling tide:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Tell to sinners far and wide:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Sing, ye islands of the sea;
Echo back, ye ocean caves;
Earth shall keep her jubilee:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

While others were trying to dig out from debris or find food for their family after the devastation, my friend and I packed for a trip planned months ago. As we drove through untouched areas towards our destination, I felt like I was in a parallel universe.

Life here is like this. Hardship and tragedy strike in one area while others have peace and calm. Even in one lifetime, there is a mix of heartache and joy. How can we handle such extremes?

There is only one answer I know. Jesus. Our Creator promises to be with us always. Every devastation here is understood to the Living God. He hears the cries of our hearts. He chooses to comfort us and guide us. And on a grander scale, He wants us to live with Him forever in His kingdom to come. Where devastation will never come again.

The choice is up to us.

As Donna and I drove from Atlanta to Missouri, one of our breaks was at a rest stop on the side of the expressway. A small rest stop in the middle of nowhere. A quick stop before the last leg of our journey.

And that’s where we met Bob.

Walking to stretch our legs from the long day’s ride, a man approached first Donna and then me, handing us a pen each. I wondered what he was selling. Looking at the pen, I read,

You Have ONE Choice in Life
JESUS – Love & Eternal Joy
Satan – Dark Eternal Torment

Bob told us he wished it hadn’t taken tough things in his life to bring him to truly follow Jesus, but it did. He and his wife now have a pen ministry, passing out pens with these words of life, hoping someone will see and understand, the stakes are huge.

Each of us has one life. We’re here on earth temporarily. Where we spend the rest of forever depends on our choice here. Will we accept the salvation Jesus offers us?

Richard’s mom could have said, “No,” to her son and refused to go with him. She could have stayed in an area where life was a mess and looting was already taking place from those who chose evil instead of good. Of course she didn’t do that! But isn’t that what we do when we refuse the gift of salvation offered by the Lord?

Easy days here are when we need to prepare for difficulties to come. Spend extra time in God’s word so we’re ready when soul crushing times hit. Be prepared physically so we can help others who are going through difficulties. And share Jesus with everyone we meet. Some will already know the Savior on an intimate and personal level. But others won’t know the truth. And the Truth, Jesus, is the only One Who can save us for eternity.

Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us,

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus left His throne with the Father to run to this world with all its chaos and shame, struggle and violence, trauma and heartache. He came for us. Because of His great love for us. Each one of us. He did it for the joy that would be His if we would join Him in His kingdom.

Richard went to rescue his mom, for the joy that would be his when he had her safely home. Bob shares the story of salvation hoping to fulfill Jesus’ joy by bringing more souls to know Him. What is the race God has set before each of us?

Every day on this earth, we have the privilege and joy of looking to Jesus as our example and our Lord, our strength to run with endurance whatever is set before us. We may not go into a devastated area to rescue a loved one. And we may not be called to stand at rest stops and hand out pens with a message. But we’re all called to something valuable. Eternity waits.

Thank God, Jesus saves.

Give the winds a mighty voice:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Let the nations now rejoice:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Shout salvation full and free,
Highest hills and deepest caves;
This our song of victory:
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

(Scripture: NKJV; Photographs: Taken by Carolyn Thigpen, New Baden, Illinois, and Saint Clair, Missouri, September 29, 2024; Song: Jesus Saves, by Priscilla J. Owens, published 1882; Another Post About Jesus: The Backside of Sunset, by Carolyn Thigpen)

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