Living Water
Water is essential to life. Good water. Enough water. But for eternity, we need living water. Jesus says come to Him. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.…
If, Then
If, then statements are fun, if you love logic. But what if you don’t? When studying mathematics, we encounter logic problems. If, then statements are part of the curriculum, but teenagers studying geometry…
As You Wish
Recently the phrase, “As you wish,” has played in my thoughts. And I smile. Some of you recognize these words from a particular screen play. I’m not an avid movie-goer and can count…
Choose Life
Nowadays we often hear the words choose life in relationship to the abortion controversy. But in Scripture, the command Choose life meant far more than to let a pre-born child live, as important…
Jesus Saves
When I was growing up, my church sang an old hymn titled Jesus Saves. We have heard the joyful sound:Jesus saves! Jesus saves!Spread the tidings all around:Jesus saves! Jesus saves!Bear the news to…
Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First
“Put on your oxygen mask,” my sister said over the phone. It took me a minute to grasp her meaning. “Oh, you mean like put my oxygen mask on first so I can…
Today is an AMEN day! For the last seven months I’ve heard those words from my nutritionist coach. She used the word as an acronym and explained it’s meaning multiple times. I was…
God’s Ways
Four years ago, God pulled me into writing for Him. To my mind it made no sense. A math teacher jumping tracks to write?! But God’s ways are not our ways. I attended…