Peace, Be Still
The beauty of blue sky and clouds reflected in the lake on a fall day whispers peace.
The Heart Of God
Sometimes life’s events cause my mind to freeze. Those times when it’s impossible to wrap my brain around what is happening. And on those days, I need to lean close and listen to…
Christmas Peace
Once again the days have rolled into one another, and I have not written in far too long. It’s now officially Christmas Day in my time zone. And the phrase Christmas Peace keeps…
Upside-Down, Inside-Out
My mind is in a bit of a muddle. Ever been there? When life feels-upside down and inside-out? Can’t make heads or tails of life’s situations? Knowing that God is in control, and…
Peace In The Midst of Heartache
Today I attended a memorial service for a 58 year old father. It was beautifully done, held in an outdoor venue due to the virus. His oldest child, a senior in high school,…