

What Are We Testing?

Testing, testing, can you hear me now?

I started this blog post two weeks ago. There was something I wanted to check on my website, and I needed a new post to use. With nothing special in mind, I decided to write a mock post and began by typing “Testing” in the title block. That’s when my mind began to whirl, and I began to write. But life sped up, and my writing ceased. Finally, I’m back to my post, literally and figuratively!

Why do we use the word, “testing,” when determining if a sound system is working? Why that word and not, “Hello, hello…can you hear me now?” Or, “Good morning, anyone out there?” Maybe even something as fun as “The grasshopper sat on a sweet potato vine?!” Anything more enjoyable than “testing!”

What made me choose the word “testing” as the title for my pretend blog? Why did the pastor that same weekend call into the microphone “testing, testing” while the technical support personnel tried to help his voice be heard?

My guess is the word “testing” is used because we actually are testing the technical piece of equipment in use. In this case, “testing” means seeing how well something works, finding the weakness or failure in the system, and figuring how to fix what is broken.

In schools, we use “testing” to mean finding out what students know. Once again the word “test” means determining if something is working. School tests help us know if the teachers’ instruction and the students’ learning has worked. These tests also are meant to help students determine where their knowledge is weak and in need of strengthening. I’ve even seen tests help students understand a concept better just because of the way the test is presented.

Life’s Tests Put Our Faith On Trial

In day to day life, the word “test” usually has a different connotation than seeing if something works. We use the word “test” to refer to a trial or a difficult time in life. We don’t run around saying, “I’m in a test to see if (something) in my life is working.”

But then it hit me, “testing” that is a trial of life actually can have the same meaning as when we speak of testing equipment or testing a student’s memory. A test in our life, a trial or difficult time, shows us if our faith is working. It shows us if our relationship with our Father is strong and intact. It helps us see where our understanding is weak, and can push us closer to our Lord, strengthening our faith for whatever the days ahead may bring.

In writing to the Jews who had been scattered due to persecution, James wrote, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” According to Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word for patience used here means cheerful endurance or constancy. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon suggests this word refers to “the characteristic of a man who is unswerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.”

As we endure trials and tests, our faith grows. We learn better how to “run with endurance the race set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)

Tests Are Meant To Push Us Closer To The Father

Tony Evans says, “Suffering is designed to enhance intimacy.” When we encounter a test, a trial, a difficulty of a great nature, we humans have a choice. We can either turn to God or away from Him. Our tests let us see if our faith is working. Do we really trust the One we say we trust? When our circumstances aren’t easy, we learn the answer to that question.

Tests not only show us if our faith is strong and where our knowledge of God is weak, but they become times of teaching. They teach us to trust God in the midst of hard times. They teach us that He truly is Sovereign, even if chaos seems to be the order of our lives. They teach us that His character is good and that He is being good, even when life feels so bad. We can accept these truths as we are taught them, or we can reject these truths to our detriment.

Life’s tests are where the rubber meets the road. They are the hands-on-experiences that allows us to apply what we think we know about our God. By His grace, we are able to come out with a stronger faith, a more complete knowledge of the Holy One, and a more intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Foregoing Testing Is Not An Option

I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but all of us need to be reminded of these truths from time to time. As Tony Evans said, all of us are either in a test, coming out of a test, or about to enter a test. Jesus never lied to us. He never told us that if we trusted Him, life on this planet would be gentle and sweet. In fact, He said the exact opposite.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

We will have tribulations, trials, and tests in this life. As my dad often said, “That’s the way of things.” But whatever test you encounter, your faith can cause you to run to the One who is our peace.

Jesus our Savior understands tribulation better than we ever will. His excruciating tribulation was on our behalf. We are able to draw near to God because of Christ’s great suffering. Our times of testing are hard, but we never have to walk through them alone. Our heavenly Father eagerly waits for us to call on Him.

May the tests of this life push each of us close to the One who loves us most and is eager to be our strength, hope, peace, and joy. “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8). Isn’t that an amazing promise? The God of the universe promises to draw near to us if we will draw near to Him!

Testings aren’t pleasant, but they are meant to be used for good. They will come. When they do, they will test our faith. In times of trouble, may we choose to keep our eyes on Jesus, run into the arms of the Father, and let the One who loves us so perfectly teach us whatever it is He wants to show us about Himself.

Never waste a time of testing. Let our Master Teacher use it for your good. He promises to walk with you in it.

Testing, testing…can you hear me now?

“Those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
Scripture is taken from NKJV.
Images taken by Carolyn Thigpen at Tribble Mill Park, Grayson, GA. 5/16/2021.


  • Annette Phillips

    It has been a while since I heard from you. This was a good one ( as others has been, also). Thanks for sharing such a sweet reminder. Harder for me to live by, than to read, for Ihave really struggle this past year. I lost my niece, two weeks before Ed, that I helped raise, and my second best friend the first of April. I am also getting ready to sell my house of 57 years, and move to Columbus and a new home. I think this is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I am sad and afriaid. (Only Heidi knows) And so I know about, Testing?????.

    • cthigpen377

      I knew of some of these testings, Annette, but not some of the others. Thank God He knows about each and every one we go through and walks with us in them. I’m sure selling your home was a very hard decision. May God encourage your heart as you walk in this new journey. May He show you more of His loving nature as well as His power and strength. I’m so thankful He is willing to hold us up during difficult times. Thank you for sharing. Bless you!

  • Pam

    Thanks so much Carolyn. This was just what I needed today. It is awesome to have a God who we can go to for strength and peace during our testing.

    • cthigpen377

      You are so right, Pam. I’m glad these reminders could bless you. You know as well as anyone how much He supplies during times of need. I love that this is who He is, a God of love and comfort, strength and blessing.