Faith,  Hope,  Knowing God,  Loved,  Peace,  Trust

The Heart Of God

Sometimes life’s events cause my mind to freeze. Those times when it’s impossible to wrap my brain around what is happening. And on those days, I need to lean close and listen to the heart of God.

The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Psalm 34:18

The last two years have left many of us with hurting hearts. We’ve lost loved ones to some illness or tragic accident. We’ve felt the oppression of the world’s chaos as it weighs on our souls. What is one to do when our mind is frozen and our heart is broken?

Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.

Are you grieving over joys departed?

Tell it to Jesus alone.

There is only One who is able to bear the burdens that come on us. We were never created with the ability to handle the troubles of this world. But we were created for fellowship with our Creator. He is the One able to handle all our hurts. Because the heart of God is huge, we find our rest and peace in Him.

Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?

Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus;

Have you sins that to men’s eyes are hidden?

Tell it to Jesus alone.

God’s Heart Is Full Of Compassion

Scripture tells us God is love (1 John 4:8). Will we believe it when life hurts? Are we comforted by His loving arms?

Reading in Matthew the other morning, it hit me that Jesus didn’t just do for people. His heart hurt for them.

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd.

Matthew 9:36

In Deuteronomy 33:27, we read, The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms

Our Father loves us so much, His mercies are new every morning. He comforts us because He loves us.

Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow?

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.

Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?

Tell it to Jesus alone.

Do We Reflect God’s Heart?

A week ago I went with my friend to see a new doctor. My friend commented later that the doctor was so compassionate. Isn’t that what we all need? A good dose of compassion?

We had to make two more stops at medical places after the doctor visit. The personnel at our first stop responded kindly and compassionately. It was like a spring rain on a weary and dry land.

The second stop? As if we had entered a desert. We were ignored until finally the single employee asked from a distance if we were picking something up. When we explained what we needed, he made it clear he had no knowledge or care to help us. We left, amazed at the difference in treatment in the three stops that morning.

Still needing what we didn’t get at the pharmacy, we went to another one a few blocks over. What a difference! Four workers, immediate help, knowledgeable staff, care and compassion.

And so our Father is to us. And so we are to reflect Him in this world.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

Trust The Heart Of God

Although I hoped to have this posted before Valentine’s Day, life threw a curve. Perhaps writing the post when I did was as much for me as for you. The last few days have been spent with a sister in the hospital, most likely nearing time to see Jesus face to face. The road has been hard, and she has been an amazing testimony to God’s work of love in a heart. Doing life here without her will be hard when that happens.

As we have walked the last few days, I was reminded of the word compassion. What a difference it has made when a doctor talks to us with compassion. When friends speak to us with compassion.

There are many things on this earth we cannot control. In reality, we can’t control anything on this earth! But we can lean hard into the heart of God. The heart of our loving, compassionate Father.

God has carried us this far. He will see us over the river and into His arms in His time. Until then, we rest in the heart of God. And as He comforts us, His compassionate heart will love others through us. May you find your peace of heart and mind in Him.

Are you troubled at the thought of dying?

Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus;

For Christ’s coming kingdom are you sighing?

Tell it to Jesus alone.

(Scripture: NKJV; Song: Tell It To Jesus, Edmund S. Lorenz, pub.1876, tr. by Jeremiah E. Rankin, pub.1878; Photos: taken by Carolyn Thigpen, 2022)


  • Gaye Bruce

    Hi Carolyn,

    Thoughts and prayers are with you as you lovingly help care for your sister. I know this has been a long journey for both of you.

    May God fill you with physical and emotional strength to handle all the coming days will bring and give you peace.

    • cthigpen377

      Thank you, Gaye. It has been a long journey, but also seems shocking to have reached an end. Even though it’s hard, God does provide what we need. Thanks for understanding and praying for that for us.

  • Zelda D Smith

    Beautifully written Carolyn…reflecting the heart of God. And surely we all need a hugh dose of Godly compassion every day! To God be the Glory!!!

  • Katherine Pasour

    A beautiful message of comfort and reassurance, Carolyn. Jesus is our example of compassion. What a wonderful world this would be if we all could share His gift of love and compassion with others. I prayed for you and your sister.

    • cthigpen377

      Thank you, Katherine, for your words and prayer for us. Tough journeys here will be replaced with great joy and peace to come. Thank God He walks with us now and always.

  • Anita Johnson

    How wonderful is the everlasting love of God! He is comforting and compassionate and He is our ever present help when we are hurting. Thank you for the beautiful reminder through your words.

    • cthigpen377

      Thank you, Anita. Our Father is comforting and compassionate. And He uses others to bless us as well. Thanks for being one of those He uses to encourage my heart.